Mycoheterotrophic Plants

How many of them are there?


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
V. A. Albert, Struwe L.1997Phylogeny and classification of Voyria (saprophytic Gentianaceae)
G. Bentham1840Voyria acuminata
A. W. Coelho Ferreira, Cali?, M. F., W. Junior, Rda Silva, da Silva, M. J. Costa, M. de Oliveira, S., E. Silva, O., Guar?oni, E. A. E., de Carvalho, A. K. Cabral, de Figueiredo, N.2018First record of Voyria caerulea Aubl. (Gentianaceae), a mycoheterotrophic plant, in Maranhao state, northeastern Brazil
T. Franke2002The myco-heterotrophic Voyria flavescens (Gentianaceae) and its associated fungus
J. P. Groenendijk, van Dulmen, A. T. J., Bouman, F.1997The "forest floor" saprophytes Voyria spruceana and V. aphylla (Gentianaceae) growing as epiphytes in Colombian Amazonia
S. Imhof1999Root morphology, anatomy and mycotrophy of the achlorophyllous Voyria aphylla (Jacq.) Pers. (Gentianaceae)
S. Imhof1997Root anatomy and mycotrophy of the achlorophyllous Voyria tenella Hooker (Gentianaceae)
S. Imhof1994Zur Biologie von Voyria truncata (Standley) Standley & Steyermark und Voyria tenella Hooker
S. Imhof, Weber H. C.2000Root structures and mycorrhiza of the achlorophyllous Voyria obconica Progel (Gentianaceae)
S. Imhof, Weber H. C.1997Root anatomy and mycotrophy (AM) of the achlorophyllous Voyria truncata (Standley) Standley & Steyermark (Gentianaceae)
S. Imhof, Weber, H. C., Gómez, L. D.1994Ein Beitrag zur Biologie von Voyria tenella Hook. und Voyria truncata (Standley) Standley & Steyermark (Gentianaceae)
M. Knöbel, H. Weber C.1988Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Mycotrophie bei Gentiana verna L. und Voyria truncata (Stand.) Stand. & Stey. (Gentianaceae)
P. J. M. Maas, Ruyters P.1986Voyria and Voyriella (Saprophytic Gentianaceae)
H. - H. Poppendieck1997Eine Voyria-Art als 'blinder Passagier' im Botanischen Garten Hamburg
A. Raynal1967Étude critique des genres Voyria et Leiphaimos (Gentianaceae et révision des Voyria d`afrique)
A. Robyns1968Notes on some american species of Voyria (Gentianaceae)
J. Schneider1996Voyria aphylla - ein saprophytisches Enziangewächs aus den Tropen
F. L. Splitgerber1840Observationes de Voyria
J. A. Steyermark1941Voyria allenii Steyermark, sp. nov
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith