Mycoheterotrophic Plants

How many of them are there?


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
L. V. Averyanov2018New orchids (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae and Vandoideae) in the Flora of Vietnam.
L. V. Averyanov2010Three new species of orchids (Orchidaceae) from Vietnam
T. - C. Hsu, Chung S. - W.2010Supplements to the orchid flora of Taiwan (V)
T. - C. Hsu, Chung S. - W.2007Didymoplexis micradenia: a newly recorded orchid (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan
T. - C. Hsu, Chung, S. - W., Kuo, C. - M.2012Supplements to the orchid Flora of Taiwan (VI)
T. - C. Hsu, Kuo C. - M.2010Supplements to the orchid flora of Taiwan (IV): four additions to the genus Gastrodia
T. - C. Hsu, Yang, A. T. Y., Pitisopa, F., Fanerii, M., Li, C. - W.2016New records and name changes for the orchids in the Solomon Islands
D. - M. Huang, Chen, Y. - T., Wang, K. - H., Lin, T. - P.2019Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (XIII)
P. Kumar, Gale S. W.2020Additions to the orchid flora of Laos and taxonomic notes on orchids of the Indo-Burma region–II
Y. - I. Lee, Yu, S. - K., Liao, P. - C., Wang, K. - H., Lin, T. - P.2019Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (XIV)
T. - P. Lin, Lin W. - M.2011Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (IV)
T. - P. Lin, Liu, H. - Y., Hsieh, C. - F., Wang, K. - H.2016Complete list of the native orchids of Taiwan and their type information
T. - P. Lin, Wu S. - H.2012Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (V)
S. Suddee, Pedersen H. A.2011A new species of Lecanorchis (Orchidaceae) from Thailand
K. Suetsugu, Hsu, T. - C., Kaneko, S.2018New natural hybrid in the genus Gastrodia: Gastrodia × nippo-uraiensis (Orchidaceae) from Yakushima Island, Japan
K. Suetsugu, Nishioka, T., Kaida, S., Hsu, T. - C., Sawa, S., Kosaka, Y., Souladeth, P., Xayvongsa, L., Kato, M.2018A new variety of the mycoheterotrophic orchid Lecanorchis thalassica from Xieng Khouang Province, Laos
B. V. Truong, Hsu, T. C., Bui, V. H., Tu, B. N., Dang, V. S., Luu, H. T., Suetsugu, K.2020The genus Lecanorchis Blume (Orchidaceae) in the flora of Vietnam
W. - J. Wang, Chen, R. - J., Wang, K. - H., Lin, T. - P.2018Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (XII)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith