Mycoheterotrophic Plants

How many of them are there?


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
S. K. Patra, Ghosh, R. B., Gupta, D., Bhattacharya, K. N.1992Burmannia coelestis L. (Burmanniaceae): a new record from West Bengal
J. Peklo1908Die epiphytischen Mykorrhizen nach neuen Untersuchungen. I Monotropa Hypopitys L.
O. Penzig1901Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Gattung Epirrhizanthes Bl
H. - H. Poppendieck1997Eine Voyria-Art als 'blinder Passagier' im Botanischen Garten Hamburg
A. Raynal1967Étude critique des genres Voyria et Leiphaimos (Gentianaceae et révision des Voyria d`afrique)
A. Raynal1967Sur un Sebaea africain saprophyte (Gentianaceae)
D. J. Read1983The biology of mycorrhiza in the Ericales
D. C. Robertson, Robertson J. A.1982Ultrastructure of Pterospora andromedea Nuttal and Sarcodes sanguinea Torrey mycorrhizas
A. Robyns1968Notes on some american species of Voyria (Gentianaceae)
A. Robyns1962Deux Exochaenium nouveaux (Gentianaceae) d'Afrique tropicale
T. G. Rylands1842On the nature of the byssoid substance found investing the roots of Monotropa hypopitys
R. M. K. Saunders1996Typification of the name Thismia fumida Ridl. (Burmanniaceae)
J. Schneider1996Voyria aphylla - ein saprophytisches Enziangewächs aus den Tropen
K. Shibata1902Die Doppelbefruchtung bei Monotropa uniflora L
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J. J. Smith1912Neue papuanische Pflanzen I
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J. A. Steyermark1941Voyria allenii Steyermark, sp. nov
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H. Takahashi1987Pollen morphology and its taxonomic significance of the Monotropoideae (Ericaceae)
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L. Tedersoo, Pellet, P., Koljalg, U., Selosse, M. - A.2007Parallel evolutionary paths to mycoheterotrophy in understorey Ericaceae and Orchidaceae: ecological evidence for mixotrophy in Pyroleae
H. Tsukaya1998Flowering time of two saprophytic plants, Monotropa uniflora L. and Monotropastrum humile (D. Don) Hara in Japan
A. Ushimaru, Imamura A.2002Large variation in flower size of the myco-heterotrophic plant, Monotropastrum globosum: effect of floral display on female reproductive success
F. Vergara-Silva, Espinosa-Matías, S., Ambrose, B. A., Vázquez-Santana, S., Martínez-Mena, A., Márquez-Guzmán, J., Martínez, E., Meyerowitz, E. M., Alvarez-Buylla, E. R.2003Inside-out flowers characteristic of Lacandonia schismatica evolved at least before its divergence from a closely related taxon, Triuris brevistylis
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S. Vinckier, Smets E.2003Morphological and ultrastructural diversity of orbicules in Gentianaceae
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C. L. Woodward, Berry, P. E., H. van de Kamer, M. -, Swing, K.2007Tiputinia foetida, a new mycoheterotrophic genus of Thismiaceae from Amazonian Ecuador, and a likely case of deceit pollination
S. Yang, Pfister D. H.2006Monotropa uniflora plants of eastern Massachusetts form mycorrhizae with a diversity of russulacean fungi
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K. Zimmer, Hynson, N. A., Gebauer, G., Allen, E. B., Allen, M. F., Read, D. J.2007Wide geographical and ecological distribution of nitrogen and carbon gains from fungi in pyroloids and monotropoids (Ericaceae) and in orchids
K. Zimmer, Meyer, C., Gebauer, G.2008The ectomycorrhizal specialist orchid Corallorhiza trifida is a partial myco-heterotroph


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith