Mycoheterotrophic Plants

How many of them are there?


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
S. Chantanaorrapint2018Lectotypification of Thismia arachnites (Thismiaceae), a mysterious species newly reported for Thailand
S. Chantanaorrapint, Suddee S.2018Thismia thaithongiana (Dioscoreaceae: Thismieae), a new species of mycoheterotroph from an unusual habitat
M. Cheek, Tsukaya, H., Rudall, P. J., Suetsugu, K.2018Taxonomic monograph of Oxygyne (Thismiaceae), rare achlorophyllous mycoheterotrophs with strongly disjunct distribution
M. Dancak, Hrones, M., Sochor, M., Sochorova, Z.2018Thismia kelabitiana (Thismiaceae), a new unique Fairy Lantern from Borneo potentially threatened by commercial logging
A. W. Coelho Ferreira, Cali?, M. F., W. Junior, Rda Silva, da Silva, M. J. Costa, M. de Oliveira, S., E. Silva, O., Guar?oni, E. A. E., de Carvalho, A. K. Cabral, de Figueiredo, N.2018First record of Voyria caerulea Aubl. (Gentianaceae), a mycoheterotrophic plant, in Maranhao state, northeastern Brazil
T. Figura, Tylova, E., Soch, J., Selosse, M. - A., Ponert, J.2018In vitro axenic germination and cultivation of mixotrophic Pyroloideae (Ericaceae) and their post-germination ontogenetic development
E. F. Guimarães, da Silva, N. G., T. Mendes, dosSantos2018Flora das cangas da Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brasil: Gentianaceae
V. S. Hareesch, Alappatt, J. P., Sabu, M.2018Thismia aurantiaca sp. nov. (section Rodwaya, Thismiaceae): First record of the family from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India with a new species
M. Hrones, Rejzek, M., Sochor, M., Svatek, M., Kvasnica, J., Egertova, Z., Pereira, J. T., Nilus, R., Dancak, M.2018Two new species of Thismia subsect. Odoardoa (Thismiaceae) from Borneo
V. K. Y. Lam, Darby, H., Merckx, V. S. F. T., Lim, G., Yukawa, T., Neubig, K. M., Abbott, J. R., Beatty, G. E., Provan, J., Gomez, M. S., Graham, S. W.2018Phylogenomic inference in extremis: A case study with mycoheterotroph plastomes
T. Nishioka, Suetsugu, K., Repin, R., Kitayama, K.2018Thismia kinabaluensis (Thismiaceae), a new species from Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
M. S. Nuraliev, Zhang, D., Kuznetsov, A. N., Kuznetsova, S. P.2018Two new records of non-photosynthetic Burmannia species (Burmanniaceae) from Laos and Vietnam
G. Petersen, A., Z., Pedersen, H. A., Seber, O.2018Genome reports: contracted genes and dwarfed plastome in mycoheterotrophic Sciaphila thaidanica (Triuridaceae, Pandanales)
M. Y. Siti-Munirah2018Thismia kelantanensis (Thismiaceae), a new species from Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia
M. Sochor, Egertova, Z., Hrones, M., Dancak, M.2018Rediscovery of Thismia neptunensis (Thismiaceae) after 151 years
M. Sochor, Hrones, M., Dancak, M.2018New insights into variation, evolution and taxonomy of fairy lanterns (Thismia, Thismiaceae) with four new species from Borneo
K. Suetsugu2018Achlorophyllous orchid can utilize fungi not only for nutritional demands but also pollinator attraction
K. Suetsugu2018Sciaphila lambirensis (Triuridaceae), a new mycoheterotrophic plant from Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia
K. Suetsugu2018Seed dispersal in the mycoheterotrophic orchid Yoania japonica: Further evidence for endozoochory by camel crickets
K. Suetsugu, Fukunaga H.2018A new variety of the mycoheterotrophic plant Lecanorchis triloba (Orchidaceae) from Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan
K. Suetsugu, Fukunaga, H., Sawa, S.2018Epitypification of Gastrodia pubilabiata (Gastrodieae, Epidendroideae, Orchidaceae)
K. Suetsugu, Nakanishi, O., Kobayashi, T., Kurosaki, N.2018Thismia kobensis (Burmanniaceae), a new and presumably extinct species from Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
K. Suetsugu, Souladeth, P., Tagane, S., Yahara, T.2018First Record of the mycoheterotrophic orchid Lecanorchis taiwaniana from Nam Ha National Protected Area, Northern Laos
K. Suetsugu, Sugimoto T.2018First Record of the mycoheterotrophic plant Sciaphila corniculata (Triuridaceae) from Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, with updated description of its morphology, in particular on stylar characteristics
K. Suetsugu, Suleiman, M., Anthony, F., Tsukaya, H.2018Aphyllorchis maliauensis (Orchidaceae), a new species from the Maliau Basin, Sabah, Borneo
K. Suetsugu, Suleiman, M., Tsukaya, H.2018A new species of Gastrodia (Gastrodieae, Epidendroideae, Orchidaceae) from the Maliau Basin Conservation Area, Sabah, Borneo
K. Suetsugu, Tsukaya, H., Nurainas, N., Okada, H.2018Thismia sumatrana (Thismiaceae), a new species from West Sumatra, Indonesia, with discussions on the taxonomic identity of Thismia clavigera
K. Suetsugu, Tsukaya, H., Tagane, S., Chhang, P., Yukawa, T., Yahara, T.2018Flora of Bokor National Park VII: Thismia bokorensis (Burmanniaceae), a new species representing a new generic record
K. Suetsugu, Yiing, L. C., Naiki, A., Tagane, S., Takeuchi, Y., Toyama, H., Yahara, T.2018Lecanorchis sarawakensis (Orchidaceae, Vanilloideae), a new mycoheterotrophic species freom Sarawak, Borneo
N. Tanaka, Aung, M. M., Latt, M. M.2018Thismia breviappendiculata (Thismiaceae), a new mycoheterotrophic plant from southern Myanmar
Y. Ogura-Tsujita, Gebauer, G., Xu, H., Fukasawa, Y., Umata, H., Tetsuka, K., Kubota, M., Schweiger, J. M. - I., Yamashita, S., Maekawa, N., Maki, M., Isshiki, S., Yukawa, T.2018The giant mycoheterotrophic orchid Erythrorchis altissima is associated mainly with a divergent set of wood-decaying fungi
H. Tsukaya2018How have leaves of mycoheterotrophic plants evolved - from the view point of a developmental biologist
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith