Mycoheterotrophic Plants

How many of them are there?


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
M. J. Dimitri1972Una nueva del genero Arachnitis Phil. (Corsiaceae)
K. W. Dixon, Christenhusz M. J. M.2018Flowering in darkness: a new species of subterranean orchid Rhizanthella (Orchidaceae; Orchidoideae; Diurideae) from Western Australia
A. W. Dockrill1965The genus Aphyllorchis Blume in Australia
A. W. Dockrill1964A new species of Gastrodia (Orchidaceae) for Australia
L. S. Dominguez, Melville, L., Sersic, A., Faccio, A., Peterson, R. L.2009The mycoheterotroph Arachnitis uniflora has b unique association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
L. S. Dominguez, Sersic A.2004The southernmost myco-heterotrophic plant, Arachnitis uniflora: root morphology and anatomy
L. Dominguez, Sersic, A., Melville, L., Peterson, R. L.2005'Prepackaged symbioses': propagules on roots of the myco-heterotrophic plant Arachnitis uniflora
N. J. Dowie, Hemenway, J. J., Trowbridge, S. M., Miller, S. L.2011Mycobiont overlap between two mycoheterotrohic genera of Monotropoideae (Pterospora andromedea and Sarcodes sanguinea) found in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem
N. J. Dowie, Grubisha, L. C., Trowbridge, S. M., Klooster, M. R.2016Variability of ecological and autotrophic host specificity in a mycoheterotrophic system: Pterospora andromedea and associated fungal and conifer hosts
D. G. Downie1925Contributions to the flora of Siam. Additamentum XVII
M. P. Duchartre1846Note sur l' Hypopitys multiflora, Scop. (Monotropa hypopitys, Lin., ex parte)
J. G. Duckett, Ligrone R.2005A comparative cytological analysis of fungal endophytes inthe sporophyte rhizomes and vascularized gametophytes of Tmesipteris and Psilotum
J. G. Duckett, Renzaglia, K. S., Pell, K.1990Desiccation causes the proliferation of multicellular hairs, but not mucilage papillae, in Cryptothallus mirabilis (Hepatophyta): a correlated light and electron microscopy study
J. A. Duddridge, Read D. J.1982An ultrastructural analysis of the development of mycorrhizas in Monotropa hypopitys L
E. J. Durand, Britton E. G.1901Further observations on Buxbaumia
J. F. Duthie0Descriptions of some new species of Orchideae from north-west and central India
I. Dörr, Kollmann R.1969Fine structure of mycorrhiza in Neottia nidus-avis (L.) L. C. Rich. (Orchidaceae)
A. Eastwood1902Some new species of California plants
A. Eastwood1897Studies in the herbarium and the field - No. 1
S. K. Eastwood1939On the moss genus Buxbaumia
S. K. Eastwood1936Notes on Buxbaumia aphylla (Linnaeus) Hedwig
P. G. Efimov2016A revision of Platanthera (Orchidaceae: Orchidoideae; Orchidaceae) in Asia
K. N. Egger, Hibbett D. S.2004Th evolutionary implications of exploitation in mycorrhizas
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M. Engels, Muscat, E., Moroti, M., Smidt, E.2022Thismia mantiqueirensis (Thismiaceae), a new species of Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest
A. Engler1909Beiträge zur flora von Afrika. XXXV. Eine bisher in Afrika nicht nachgewiesene Familie, Triuridaceae
A. Engler1905Thismia winkleri Engl., eine neue afrikanische Burmanniacee
A. Engler1900Berichte über die botanischen Ergebnisse der Nyassa-See- und Kinga-Gebirgs-Expedition der Hermann- und Elise- geb. Heckmann-Wentzel-Stiftung
A. Engler1894Über die Gliederung der Flora Usambaras und der angrenzenden Gebiete
A. Engler1885Burmanniaceae africanae
B. Eriksen1993Phylogeny of the Polygalaceae and its taxonomic implications
B. Eriksen1993Floral anatomy and morphology in the Polygalaceae
O. Eriksson, Kainulainen K.2011The evolutionary ecology of dust seeds
A. Ernst, Bernard C.1912Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Saprophyten Javas. IX. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Embryosackes und des Embryos von Burmannia Candida Engl. und B. championii Thw
A. Ernst, Bernard C.1912Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Saprophyten Javas. XI. Äussere und innere Morphologie von Burmannia coelestis Don
A. Ernst, Bernard C.1912Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Saprophyten Javas. XII. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Embryosackes, des Embryos und des Endosperms von Burmannsia coelestis Don
A. Ernst, Bernard C.1911Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Saprophyten Javas. VIII. Äussere und innere Morphologie von Burmannia candida Engl. und Burmannia championii Thw
A. Ernst, Bernard C.1910Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Saprophyten Javas
K. Benson-Evans1960Some aspects of spore formation and germination in Cryptothallus mirabilis v. Malmborg
K. Benson-Evans1952The distribution of sex in Cryptothallus
H. Falconer1847Account of Gamoplexis, an undescribed genus of Orchideous Plants
H. Falconer1842Botanical information communicated by Dr. Falconer, Director of the Botanic Garden, Saharunpoor, to Dr. Lindley
N. Fama2018Genetic diversity and morphological variation in a vulnerable WV native orchid, Corallorhiza bentleyi
J. Fan, Jin, X. H., Jin, W. T.2012Two new records of Orchidaceae from China
J. Fankhauser1873Ueber den Vorkeim von Lycopodium
V. Fateryga, Kreutz C. A. J.2014Checklist of the orchids of the Crimea (Orchidaceae)
T. S. Feild, Brodribb T. J.2005A unique mode of parasitism in the conifer coral tree Parasitaxus ustus (Podocarpaceae)
B. Feller, Dancák, M., Hroneš, M., Sochor, M., Suetsugu, K., Imhof, S.2022Mycorrhizal structures in mycoheterotrophic Thismia spp. (Thismiaceae): functional and evolutionary interpretations
R. J. Fensham1993The impact of pig rooting on populations of Burmannia sp., a rare rainforest herb on Bathurst Island
M. L. Fernald1946Identifications and reidentifications of North American plants


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith