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Mycoheterotrophic Plants
Voyria tenella Guilding ex Hook. 1830
Mycoheterotrophic Plants
Family: GentianaceaeGenus: Voyria
Voyria tenella Guilding ex Hook. 1830
Vohiria 47
Voyria nuda Splitgerber
Leiphaimos tenella (W. J. Hooker) Miquel
Leiphaimos nuda (Splitgerber) Miquel
Voyria simplex Grisebach
Biglandularia azurea Karsten
Voyria brachyloba Grisebach
Voyria disadenantha Grisebach
Leiphaimos azurea (Karsten) Gilg
Leiphaimos disadenantha (Grisebach) Alain 1915
Leiphaimos simplex (Grisebach) Gilg
Leiphaimos portoricensis Britton
Leiphaimos brachyloba (Grisebach) Urban
Leiphaimos obconica not of (Progel) Gilg in Jonker 1936
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