Oxygyne confusa Bidault, Merckx & Byng
The holotype of Oxygyne confusa, collected in 1928 by a pastor named Charles Tisserant (Tisserant 2623) 40 km north of Bambari/Central Arfican Republic, has long been stored in the private collection of Georges le Testu, misidentified as a parasitic flowering plant, namely Hydnora sp. (Hydnoraceae). After his death, le Testus collection went to the Herbarium of the British Museum of Natural History/London. In 1983, Luis Diego Gomez Pignataro, an ecologist from Costa Rica, made the annotation "Thismia intermedia sp. nov. Holotypus" to the sheet. The next annotations are from Thassilo Franke, formerly based at the University of Munic and author of descriptions of several mycoheterotrophic plants (Triuridopsis intermedia, Afrothismia foertheriana, A. saingei, A. hydra, A. korupensis). In 2002 he wrote "Oxygyne sp." and added "Oxygyne sp. nov" in 2008 (Cheek et al. 2018), therefore being the first to recognize this specimen as a new Oxygyne.
The formal description was undertaken twice, both based on Tisserant 2623:
In 'The Global Flora' edited by Christenhusz, Fay & Byng (2018), the specimen is briefly described as Oxygyne confusa Bidault, Merckx & Byng, meeting the requirements of a formal description. Initially, it was considered to list 'The Global Flora' as an 'Opera Utique Oppressa' (a list of publications that, according to Art. 34 of the ICN, are not considered as organs of valid publications) by the International Association of Plant Taxonomy, due to the thousands of unexplained and often contended recombinations of names. This initative is no longer persecuted.
Few month later a much more detailed description of Tisserant 2623 appeared in Cheek et al. (2018), naming it Oxygyne frankei Cheek, stating the closest affinities to Oxygyne triandra due to the shape of perianth lobes, the relatively short annulus around the perianth opening, and stigma morphology, but differing in the shape of the annulus lamellae, and color and length of perianth lobes. According to the ICN Oxygyne confusa has priority over O. frankei.